Monday, December 1, 2008

December Greetings...

December is here and with it the end of 2008. How can that be??? I am not sure but 2009 is very close at hand. So what all do you have going on this month?

I love Christmas time so very much. I have many fond memories of Christmas when I was young. One of my favorite is a birthday party for Jesus my mom did with my sister and I. It is so wonderful to celebrate the birth of my Savior this month. Without Him, I don't what my life would look like.

So what all is happening with me this month? Well, I'll tell you. Since I was gone from my house for more than two weeks, I have a great deal of cleaning and laundry to do. I managed to get my suitcase unpacked and get most of the other traveling stuff put away.

This week I hope to put away all of my fall decorations and decorate the house for Christmas. I am not doing a lot of decorating this year. Just the tree and the front porch.

My DH and I will be traveling to Florida for Christmas. It will be so fun to see our families again. I do believe that I will be spoiled after this.

I have a ton of stuff to do before we leave. I am making all of my DH's co-workers homemade bread for Christmas. I have counted 15 people so far, so I will be lost in my kitchen among rising loaves of bread at some point this month. I am sewing cloth bags to make them festive. I will have to share some pictures of the finished results.

I am also sewing a skirt for the little girl that I watch. I need to have it finished within the next week or so because I won't see them after that.

So that sums up my month pretty well. I tried to spare you the tedious details. I hope that you don't get too busy to enjoy the sights around you and some time of relaxation sitting next to the Christmas tree.

"For unto you is born this day
in the city of David a Savior,
which is Christ the Lord." ~Luke 2:11


Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

It sounds like you are going to be very busy. I like the idea of using cloth bags for the loaves of bread. I am sure everything will be greaty appreciated.

Davene said...

I like the Christmas look of your blog--very festive! Isn't this a fun time of year? :)