Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter, Bread, and a Few Other Things...

It feels like I am at least a day behind on posting things, it has just been CRAZY around here.

So let's begin with Easter. Our church had a breakfast fellowship time before the service so I made a casserole. It was nice to get to visit with people from our church. After that, we went to the worship service and our Pastor taught on the Resurrection and the passion Peter displayed directly afterward.

We rushed home because we were having company over for lunch. My DH and I fixed a Roast with carrots and potatoes, deviled eggs, and bread. Our company brought a salad, asparagus, and a bunny cake. We had a great time getting to visit with them and share in our joy of the Resurrected King.

Here is a picture of my DH and I.

I did get around to making my first batch of bread. I was very happy with the way that it turned out. We actually had it with our Easter lunch. I got the recipe from Mrs. U over at Making a House a Home. The recipe was wonderful and it was pretty easy. Here is the recipe.

I am in the middle of finishing up my school for the semester and then I will be finished with school because I will get my degree. I am soooo happy but I have a lot of stuff to get finished.

I hope that all of you have a blessed day!


Kelli said...

It sounds like your Easter was very joyful, Charree! What a great picture of you and your husband and your bread looks delicious!

Rebecca said...

What a fantastic picture of you and your hubby! Thanks for sharing it!

And great job on the bread! It looks DE-lish!

By the way-SNOW?!? I can't believe you got SNOW in Texas!