Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Getting Back in the Groove...

Hello friends. I hope that all of you have been well.

My DH and I are back in Texas now. We were able to spend four weeks at home in Florida with our families, but now we are back to our own abode and I have a whole bunch of work to do. Along with the normal unpacking from a trip, I also have to take down and store all of my Christmas decorations.

I am very proud of myself, I have been making progress with my daily Bible study and prayer time. I took on the exercising goal this week. So far, I have done my yoga exercise two days in a row.

I know that this is kinda' a boring post, but I think that something is better than nothing.

My to-do list for today...
~ unpack from trip
~ make dinner (Meatloaf, spinach mashed potatoes, ???)
~ wash 3 loads of clothes
~ clean out dogs' travel crates
~ put away stuff from Sam's and HEB
~ change sheets and wash the dirty ones
~ go to the church staff meeting

I will leave you with a verse for the day while you do your daily activities.

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord."
~Psalms 150:6

Friday, January 4, 2008

Resolutions (Not So Much)...

I have never really been one for new year resolutions. To me, often times, it seemed like they were more likely to be broken if for their name alone. However, now being at the beginning of a new year and knowing there are things that I would like to do differently than I did last year, I have a list of things that I do want to work on and change. So, instead of naming them resolutions and starting all of them at the same time, I plan on working on one thing a week and each new week adding a new thing to it each week.

I learned in the nutrition class I took this past semester that a person is more likely to stick to a plan if it is gradual and not to different. So, by changing things week by week, I think that I will be more likely to stick to things and not get discouraged.

Below is my list of things that I would like to accomplish (in no particular order)...
~ be diligent about daily time in God's Word and prayer
~ get on a routine
~ go to bed early and get up early
~ stick with my FlyLady cleaning (both daily and monthly)
~ drink 64 oz. of water (not Crystal Light) a day
~ make at least 3 posts a week on my blog
~ eat more fruits and veggies each day
~ complete a sewing project each week
~ make weekly menus and stick to them
~ do some sort of exercise each day

The first thing I am going to work on is being diligent about spending time daily in prayer and Bible study. I am going to work on that the rest of this week and next week.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A New Year...

Hello everybody, I hope that all of you have had a merry Christmas and are having a great start to your New Year.

My DH and I had a great Christmas. We spent the week before Christmas with my family and on Christmas morning traveled to my DH's parents' house about 2 hours away. It was so great to spend time with our families.

Our new year has started off well. I really can't believe that 2007 has already passed and 2008 is here.

I won't be posting very much over the next week and a half, but I really hope to be posting on a regular basis after that.

Happy New Year!